Know Yourself
Ask yourself some basic questions . . .
- Do I recognize God's voice in my life? Do I know God's dream for me?
- How do I seek God in my everyday life?
- What do I desire for my life?
- What are my hopes, fears and needs for my life?
- Do I know what my purpose in life is? For what do I have passion?
- Do the needs of the world concern me?
- What kind of clues has God given me as to the lifestyle I am called to live?
- Am I able to be happy with others and when I am alone?
- Do I know my gifts, my interests, my talents, my limitations, my likes and dislikes? What would I bring to community and ministry?
- Do I see myself as serving others? How?
- Who has God been for me in my past and what is God like for me now?
- Do I have healthy relationships? Do I seek opportunities to be of service to others?
Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and learn to listen to God in prayer.
Begin to develop a life of regular prayer. You may even desire to have a mentor or spiritual guide to journey with you in your discernment process.
You may seek out prayer groups or support through liturgical prayer.
Seek to create balance in your life. God speaks to us in our everyday lives so it is healthy to have time for friends, prayer, service, quiet reflection, leisure, and times of social events.
Become familiar with books that are a "good read" and surf the Net for helpful resources to help you with discernment.
Next Steps
Contact some communities whose spirituality, ministries, and community life attract you. You may also set up a time for a short visit, meet particular members or have an informal interview.
Initial decision: When you begin to sense that you are coming to a place of peace within yourself, make a decision to pursue a specific community and make an appointment for a formal time with the Vocation Director.
Office of Vocations
Villa Walsh
455 Western Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960
Phone: 973.538.2886 X 143