Prayer Life
Jesus, who was totally dedicated to the mission entrusted to him by the Father, alternated periods of intense apostolic activity with long intervals of solitude in intimate union with him.
Likewise for us, prayer must be “the most essential part of our ministry,” the primary commitment which characterizes our lives as consecrated women. From our prayer will flow apostolic zeal and fruitfulness, and our lives will acquire meaning and fullness to the degree that we experience God in faith.
The Eucharistic celebration is the most intense moment of our experience of God and the most effective expression of our identity as Church. In this celebration, we manifest fully the reality of community: an assembly of persons who, gathered in the Father, are being transformed day by day through the power of the Spirit to attain the fullness of Christ and to become with him both sacrifice and sacrament.
The Eucharist is the center of our life, the privileged moment of our reconciliation and communion, our daily nourishment, and the sign of our hope.