The Pontifical Institute of the Religious Teachers Filippini
is an Institute of consecrated life dedicated to the works of the Christian Apostolate. 

Faithful to the original inspiration of our Founders, St. Lucy Filippini and Cardinal Mark Anthony Barbarigo,
we continue to regard the ministry of the Christian education of youth and of adults, especially women, as our principal duty. 

Lay Associates

Associates of Saint Lucy Filippini are women who wish to formally associate themselves with the Religious Teachers Filippini, in their mission and spirituality. Through prayer and discernment, the Associate develops “A deepening relationship with God.”

Members must be baptized, ages 18 or older, female, who want to join in a relationship with the sisters while continuing to live their own lifestyle. They join the Religious Institute, sharing the Filippini mission and prayer life as well as the spirit of community.

Commitment entails three aspects: prayer and a deepening relationship with God; community with other associates; and ministry which may include volunteer work, caring for loved ones or other efforts of the sisters in the local community.

New members, after months of studying about the mission of Saint Lucy Filippini, participate in a three-day weekend retreat, which culminates in a Mass and commitment ceremony. The Provincial Superior accepts each new member’s commitment during this ceremony.

For more information: Visit the ASLF website.

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Villa Walsh
455 Western Avenue ~ Morristown, New Jersey 07960
973.538.2886 X125